NEW: 25 June 2002. Deadlock on Florida lawsuit over 2000 election
Who Really Won Florida?
WASHINGTON, Nov. 11 The comprehensive review of the uncounted Florida ballots solidifies George W. Bush's legal claim on the White House it concludes that he would have won under the ground rules prescribed by the Democrats.
But the analysis does not diminish the heartbreaking might-have-beens for Al Gore. It suggests that more Floridians intended to vote for Mr. Gore but were deterred, in some cases by ballots that were confounding even to elderly voters who are accustomed to having five bingo cards going at once. (No wonder networks reported on election night that, based on polls of voters leaving the polls, Mr. Gore had won Florida.)
The reality, therefore, is that Mr. Bush's victory in the most fouled-up, disputed and wrenching presidential election in American history was so breathtakingly narrow that there is no way of knowing with absolute precision who got the most votes. The New York Times.
Ballots Cast by Blacks and Older Voters Were Tossed in Far Greater Numbers. The New York Times
August 8, 2001 Data Permanently Erased From Florida Computers. An independent examination of four computers used by Katherine Harris, the Florida secretary of state, and her aides during last fall's presidential recount has found evidence that the machines were used more extensively than either Ms.Harris or her spokesman had acknowledged.New York Times
16 July 2001. Democrats Seek Inquiry on Florida Vote Count. New York Times
15 July 2001. How Bush Took Florida: Mining the Overseas Absentee Vote. New York Times.
7 June Florida Governor Calls Commission Report on Election Biased. New York Times
5 April. The examination of disputed Florida presidential ballots reported by The Miami Herald and USA Today demonstrated not only how difficult it is to count ballots with ambiguous markings. It also showed how hard it is to find the ballots that produced the Florida postelection chaos. New York Times.
WEST PALM BEACH -- 11 March 2001 - Confusion over Palm Beach County's butterfly ballot cost Al Gore about 6,600 votes, more than 10 times what he needed to overcome George W. Bush's slim lead in Florida and win the presidency, The Palm Beach Post's ballot-by-ballot review of discarded over-votes reveals.
Who won? Votes aren't sacred. Also, on-going.Miami Herald series, 'The Florida Count, What went wrong." The whole shmagoo - you figure that out!
12 Jan. Jeb Bush vetoed a $100,000 voter-education measure in Fla.
28 Dec., "Blacks' votes were discarded at higher rates, analysis shows," reports the Miami Herald
19 Dec. INSPECTING THE VOTES: Florida Ballots Are Getting New Scrutiny, by the Media. Link to The New York Times
Herald, Knight Ridder review Broward ballots
Accounting and consulting firm retained to tabulate the results
Wouldn't you just know it ...
Florida, at a cost of over $600 million, has replaced voting machines across the state. Gov. Jeb Bush, at a news conference, stated that the previous problem was the VOTING public.
Since then, a think tank of the nation's newest and brightest minds from all across the United States was formed to address this very confusing issue, and a new voting box was designed.
Actually, the cost was $32M and Jeb Bush's Florida still can't get it right!.
Link to National Lampoon: The US Supreme Court and Florida Law
Many of us in Florida proudly believed that Florida came through when the state's supreme court ordered a recount. We hoped that our reputation as a Banana Republic would fade, that a more honest government was on the horizon. That exoneration would commence. And then came the US Supreme Court.
Justice Stevens said the court's action "can only lend credence to the most cynical appraisal of the work of judges throughout the land.''
His dissenting opinion, also signed by Justices Breyer and Ginsburg, added: "It is confidence in the men and women who administer the judicial system that is the true backbone of the rule of law.
Time will one day heal the wound to that confidence that will be inflicted by today's decision. One thing, however, is certain. Although we may never know with complete certainty the identity of the winner of this year's Presidential election, the identity of the loser is perfectly clear. It is the Nation's confidence in the judge as an impartial guardian of the rule of law.''
12 December 2000
On the Supreme Court's Decision to Halt the Recount ordered by Florida's Supreme Court
"The split between the two camps on the high court was complete, with Justice John Paul Stevens, writing for the minority, arguing that granting the stay might well "be tantamount to a decision on the merits." He added, "Preventing the recount from being completed will inevitably cast a cloud on the legitimacy of the election."
The New York Times,10 December 2000
12 Dec.,10:30 PM EST The US Supreme Court wimps out, speaks with forked tongue, votes along political factions without larger consideration of the American people. George Bush is "assigned" the presidency on a technicality. Winning at any cost is more important to him than will of the people. What a very sad and dismal day for America.